the blog is dead again...
shall bring life to it=]
more than half of the holiday is gone...
and what have i done? hmmm....
1) 2hrs of DS everyday
2) at least 5 hrs of laptop everyday(didnt really use it, switch it on for the sake of switching it on)
3)went to the library to borrow chinese books( according to my mum, i've to提高my华文造诣)
4)reread twilight series for dunno how many times
5) even started reading the 教科书 for next Sem.
conclusion so far is that i'm going blind soon...
and of course i'm not that OTAKUish.
6) went jogging at pierce reservoir at least once a week(almost died, too long neh exercise)
7)went on a shopping spree=]
8)some gatherings
9) help my bro took care of the school bully(see! i so sweet&nice)
10)went thru much pain to get rid of all the pimples, zits, acne whatever you call them on my face(still trying VERY hard)
went to an doctor/aesthetics and her advice for me is......去嗮黑一点-__-
in case you're thinking why i suddenly so enthu abt getting rid all my pimples,
this is the reason why...
time: dinner time
venue: some restaurant in Suntec
诗涵:munch munch gobble gobble
涵爸:since你酱有空,i give you money you go do something abt your face...
very random face realli that bad meh?
anyway according to my friend my face got improvement but i dont see any diff...
11) went back to sch for training
12) baked brownies
13) still 研究ing how to make a very delicious shepherd's pie
14) did some stupid stuff and my mum happily 配合
below is one of the things i did:
猜猜我在哪?(hee...very blur, my mom dont knw how to use my phone)

yup....i was right in the box, i knw 软骨功。。。haha...
i chaotared my face because my expression was very unglam... overall conclusion........i'm very bored=]
but i really 享受 this kind of boredness=]
oh...and my timetable came out le...
no sch on friday again...yay!